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Nataly Olivia Allasi Canales


Copenhagen, Denmark |

I aim to dedicate my scientific career to improving the understanding of under-utilised Indigenous plants and their sustainable use in the face of planetary dysregulation and its effects: food insecurity, biodiversity, and climate crisis. Strengthening research in South America by exploring its amazing flora and local Knowledges in consultation with Indigenous Communities, to build local capacity towards autonomous research and better livelihoods. I will unleash the potential of Natural History Collections by applying genomic, biochemical, ecological and ethnobotanical perspectives to conduct state-of-the-art research to realise my dream.


Lima, Perú

Postgraduate diploma in Interculturality and Amazonian Indigenous peoples

Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya (UARM)

Copenhagen, Denmark

PhD in Evolutionary Genomics

University of Copenhagen, Natural History Museum of Denmark (UCPH‐NHM)

Fuzhou, People’s Republic of China

M.Sc. in Bioinformatics

Fujian Agricultural And Forestry University (FAFU)

Lima, Perú

Postgraduate diploma in Statistics applied to research

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH)

Lima, Perú

B.Sc. in Genetics and Biotechnology

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM)


Copenhagen, Denmark - London, UK

Natural History Museum of Denmark UCPH - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Villum Postdoc Fellow - Mentors: Rafał Gutaker & Natasha de Vere

  • Bitter potatoes! My project aims to clarify the genetic origin, explore biochemical diversity, and estimate ecological models of bitter potatoes: chuño, tunta and moraya. To diversify food systems that are under threat due to the climate and biodiversity crisis to ensure food for the most vulnerable populations.

  • Supervised a master's student thesis on the population genetic structures of Tillandsia in Peruvian lomas.

Copenhagen, Denmark

BioPhero ‐ FMC

Bioinformatician ‑ CSO: Irina Borodina

  • I aim to advance yeast strain design by developing workflows and analysing multi‑omic yeast data.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Globe Institute ‐ UCPH

Postdoc ‑ PI: Christopher Barnes, Anders J. Hansen


  • My aim is to characterise the population make-up of Cinchona calisaya and to give metagenomic bioinformatic support for skin microbiome data of patients with atopic dermatitis.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Natural History Museum of Denmark ‑ UCPH

MSCA PhD Fellow ‑ PI: Nina Rønsted, Christopher Barnes. Co‑supervisors: Mark Nesbitt & Alexandre Antonelli

  • This PhD project aimed to explore the potential of historical Cinchona barks from the genomic, chemical, and archival perspectives to uncover the evolutionary history, chemical diversity, and reconnecting split collections. 

  • Supervised a master's student thesis in the chemical analysis of Cinchona bark collections, which led to a publication. 

Fuzhou, People's Republic of China

He lab ‐ FAFU

CSC Master Student ‐ PI: He HuaQin

  • Our main drive was to assure food security, we searched for non‐synonymous beneficial mutations in orthologous resistant genes in the Oryza genus to insert the mutations into the cultivated lines using CRISPR. My activities ranged from retrieving data from databases,
    ortholog analysis, SNP analyses to the 3‐D model of the candidate resistant genes, including molecular docking.

Lima, Perú

Biology and Molecular Genetics laboratory ‐ UNMSM

 Undergrad Thesis And Research Assistant - PI: Lenin Maturrano

  • Our main aim was to design a vaccine for alpacas to prevent pasteurellosis using the reverse vaccinology approach. We performed comparative
    genomics analyses of several strains of P. multocida, focusing on the one that infects alpaca. My activities ranged from sampling lungs from
    alpaca, bacteria isolation and characterization, and genome assembly to in silico identifying the vaccine candidates against pasteurellosis.

Natural History Museum of Denmark
University of Copenhagen

Øster Farimagsgade 5A, building 7, 1st - 136
Copenhagen DK-1353, Denmark

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Herbarium, Kew, Richmond, London, TW9 3AE

© 2025 Nataly Allasi Canales. All Rights Reserved.

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